Manor Way Primary Academy, Brier Mill Road, Halesowen, B63 3HA
Part of Windsor Academy Trust

School Uniform

We believe that if children look smart, they think smart. Every child at Manor Way is expected to wear a school uniform and take pride in their appearance. 

manor way primary academy school uniform

All Year Round (Required - Unless opting for Summer uniform below in Summer term only)

  • Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
  • White shirt
  • Manor Way sweatshirt or sweat cardigan with embroidered logo (Maple)
  • Clip on school tie or elasticated, bright blue double striped. (Reception children manage better with elasticated ties as they don’t get lost!) (Maple)
  • Brown or black shoes (low heeled/not trainers) suitable for school
  • White or grey socks or plain grey tights

Summer Uniform (Optional)

These items are optional during the Summer term instead of the above uniform 

  • School polo shirts instead of a white shirt 
  • Summer dress (blue and white check). 
  • Grey shorts can also be worn. 
  • Summer caps are available to buy from the school office

manor way primary academy pe kit

PE Kit Years 1-6 (Required)

This is the required PE Kit

Manor Way T-shirt with squad number (this will be allocated to each child)

  • Navy skirt or shorts or skort (Maple)
  • Manor Way hoodie with squad number (for outdoor games) (Maple)
  • Navy blue joggers (no logo)
  • KS1 black pumps. KS2 black pumps for indoors and trainers for outdoors. Trainers cannot be worn in the hall
  • Manor Way Forest school waterproof set (optional)

Pupils with siblings will be allocated the same squad number so uniform can be used again

Nursery and Reception

  • Children in Nursery and Reception classes are asked to keep a pair of named wellingtons in school for outdoor activities

Please remember…

  • A Manor Way blue school reading bag is required as larger bags do not fit into their storage boxes
  • All kit including swimming kit should be clearly marked with your child’s name
  • Nail varnish should not be worn to school
  • Jewellery should not be worn except for plain silver or gold coloured stud earrings or a watch. These must be removed for PE.
  • Hair longer than shoulder length should be tied back
  • Hair clips and bows should be small and blue or white 

No compensation can be made for lost, damaged or stolen property.

If you need support with the required uniform please contact the school who can offer support.  Manor Way Primary have pre-loved items available for parents to have, these are available on the playground weekly and at Parents’ Evenings or by contacting Mrs Lanyon in the school office.

Where to Buy

School uniform items can be purchased from Maple Workwear. 

MAPLE Tool Hire

Units 2 and 3 Chapel Street Netherton, Dudley. DY2 9PN

01384 212 - click on schoolwear - click on Manor Way Primary

Parents and Carers can either visit the shop or place an order online, these can then be delivered to your home address or to the school for your convenience.

Non-branded items such as trousers, skirts and shirts and be purchased from a variety of supermarkets or local stores. If you need financial support in order to buy branded items, please contact the school and we will endeavour to support you.

Squad Numbers

Your child will be allocated with a squad number which can be printed on the PE tops, pump bag and book bag free of charge. This enables maths related games to be played in PE, as well as helping your child to identify their own clothes. We always ensure that siblings are allocated the same squad number so that uniform can be recycled.

 A current price list can be found below.

Item Size Available Cost Per item
Sweatshirt (Royal Blue with white Manor Way logo) Age 3-4 to 13 Small – Large Adults 13.50
Cardigan (Royal Blue with white Manor Way logo) Age 3-4 to 13 Small – Large Adults 14.50
Polo Shirt (White with Blue Manor Way logo for Summer uniform after Easter) Age 1-2 to 11-12 10.90
Hoody (Navy contrast Replacing fleece jacket with class squad number and Manor Way printing on the back) Age 3-4 to 12-13 Small – Large Adults  16.00
Tie (Clip bright blue and silver) n/a 5.50
PE Shorts (navy blue) Age 3-4 to 12-13 6.50
PE t-shirt (navy blue with class squad number and Manor Way printed logo) Age 3-4 to 12-13 9.50
Track Suit Jogging Bottoms (Navy to match the hoody) Age 3-4 to 12-13 14.00
Junior Skort with pockets and piping (navy) Age 5-6 to 11-12 10.50
Girls Skort (plain  navy) Age 3-4 to 11-12 10.50
Forest School Waterproof suit. Jacket and trousers  Age 3-4 to 11-12 17.50